The SAT Is Going Digital

The SAT Is Going Digital

The last major SAT change was six years ago when the test went from 2400 to 1600 and got rid of those pesky vocabulary out-of-context questions, so I guess we’re all due for some updates. This time SATs are Going DIGITAL. Considering how much education has shifted to...
Homeschool Starter Kit

Homeschool Starter Kit

There has been a surge of interest in Homeschool with the releases of what Fall 2020 will look like. Don’t know where to get started with homeschooling? Here is essential introductory information to get you started on your Homeschooling journey. Check out...
Beyond Homeschooling FAQs

Beyond Homeschooling FAQs

Now more than ever there is a lot of interest in homeschool and how it could work for your family. To answer some common questions we get asked all of the time, we put together this list of Frequently Asked Questions. Is it legal to homeschool in my state? Do...